Ron Carson founded Carson Energy Services Ltd. (CES) in 1974 based in Lampman, Saskatchewan. CES grew to be one of Saskatchewan’s largest private companies engaged in energy services. Ron was recognized as the Ernst & Young 2009 Prairies Region Entrepreneur of the Year for energy services and the Oilman of the Year in 1997. In 2011 Ron received Saskatchewan’s highest honor, the Saskatchewan Order of Merit (SOM).
* DEEP is not a reporting issuer in any jurisdiction and its’ shares are not listed or posted for trading on any exchange or over-the-counter market or website. Potential investors are cautioned that any representation to the contrary by any person is false.
The Atrium, 316 – 111 Research Drive Saskatoon, SK S7N 3R2
The Atrium, 316 – 111 Research Drive Saskatoon, SK S7N 3R2